Web Data Visualization

Data Visualization of Gun Violence in the United States between 2013-2019

A detailed explanation of this project is coming very soon.

For now, please visit my gun violence website here (desktop only)


There has been a steady increase in gun violence over the past decade and this trend shows no signs of slowing down. In fact, it is not uncommon to turn on the news and hear about a new mass shooting event that has occured somewhere in the nation. This year alone there have been mass shooting events in Virginia Beach, Virginia (13 Killed/4 Injured), El Paso, Texas (22 Killed/24 Injured), and Dayton, Ohio (10 Killed/27 Injured). In total there were 409 mass shooting events in 2019 resulting in 486 killed and 1642 injured. Gun control is a very sensitive and widely debated topic in The United States of America which has caused it to become highly politicised.

The two major political parties in the United States (Democrats/Republicans) have drastically different views and opinions on the subject. Until such a time comes where both sides can come to agreement on gun control it appears that the current positive trend in gun violence will continue to occur. This is what provided the inspiration for the creation of this website. As Data Analysts we can help analyze this dire situation by studying gun violence data and help provide well informed predictions about future trends in order to build strategies that will eventually minimize gun violence, and promote gun safety.
