My true passion and skill set lie in
Data Analysis

I have a strong desire to help businesses uncover meaningful trends and patterns
which will lead to increased sales revenue, improved application performance, and appropriate customer targeting and recommendations.

Data Visualization

Capable of making graphical representation of information and data using charts, graphs, and maps to display meaningful trends, outliers, and patterns.

Data Cleaning

Proficient at identifying inaccurate or corrupt data from record sets, tables, or databases and then replacing, modifying, or deleting the bad data.

Web Scaping

Experienced with extracting large amounts of web data, and storing it in tables or databases, from websites that do not provide the direct functionality to copy the information.

Programming Languages

Highly adept in Python for data analysis/visualization, SQL query writing, HTML/CSS web development, and Excel VBA as well as pivot tables and VLOOKUPS.

Indeed Data Professional Project

Utilized an opensource dataset to create meaningful summary information and trends of data professional jobs and skills across the United States. Data visualization were created using python, pandas, matplotlib, seaborn, and plotly. Information was displayed and present via microsoft powerpoints.

Web Data Visualization Project

Developed a fully functional website which provides users with an interactive dashboard detailing gun violence in the United States. The data was cleaned then stored in postgresql. Relevant information was then pulled from the database via an file which supplied it to javascript for the creation of interactive maps, charts, and figures.

Extract | Transform | Load

Utilized an open source dataset to perform an Extract-Transform-Load (ETL) process on trending YouTube video statistics data in 2018. The ETL process was achieved using python (extract), pandas (transfrom), and SQLAlchemy (load) to eventually store the cleaned data into PostgreSQL